Essential Córdoba
We visit the Mosque-Cathedral, a unique building in the world, the “Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos” (Palace-Fortress of the Christian Monarchs) and the Synagogue. This is a walking tour around the old town including the most important monuments.

Roman Córdoba
Córdoba was founded in the 2nd century BC. There are still interesting remains of those times. Like the impressive columns of the Roman Temple, the mausoleums or all the artifacts we can see in the Archeological Museum. In the latter it is possible to see remains of the original roman theater preserved in its original location.

Jewish Córdoba
The importance of the Jewish past of this city is obvious just wandering around the former Jewish quarter (Judería in Spanish). Due to the size of it and the names of the streets and squares that tell us about the great personalities of the time: Maimónides, Juda levi, Hasday ben Shaprutt, Tiberíades. We can also visit the Synagogue or Casa Sefarad (Sephardic museum).

Córdoba at sunset
A leisurely stroll discovering Córdoba in its squares , going through the maze of alleys that surprises you around every corner. Plaza de la Corredera, del Potro, de Santa Marina, Capuchinos.

Medina Azahara
Palatine city built in the 10th century. Madinat al-Zahra: the shining city. The archeological site shows us the richness and splendor of the Muslim Córdoba. The tour includes also the visit to the museum, where we can travel in time seeing the movie.

Courtyards (Patios)
In spring Córdoba is covered by flowers. This is a real cliché. There are pots on the walls, balconies and windows and inside the private homes, in the beautiful courtyards. They are lovely inside gardens that we can visit in May during the famous Festival of Courtyards. This Festival was declared Intangible UNESCO Site in 2012. Nowadays it is possible to see them almost all year around.

Tailor-made Córdoba
Customized tour: we design the tour to suit your special interests.